Escape, Evacuation and Rescue Assessment (EERA) is a technique to assess the performance of the escape, evacuation and rescue (EER) measures and arrangements.

The objectives of an EERA is to ensure that there are adequate measures at the facility to enable people to escape, muster, evacuate and be rescued in the event of a Major Accident:

  • Detection and alarm systems are in place to communicate the emergencies effectively;
  • Escape routes are available and useable under emergency conditions, from all work locations to the place where people muster;
  • There are places where people can muster and /or take refuge with supporting systems while an emergency is being investigated and if needed while evacuation preparations are being made, which take into account the nature of the hazards that personnel may be exposed to;
  • There are evacuation arrangements and effective support systems that are suitable to allow all people on the facility to be evacuated in a controlled manner under emergency conditions; and
  • There are arrangements to recover people who leave a facility in an emergency and transport them to a place of safety.
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