Employees who are driving/sailing/flying regularly for long hours for work are required to keep an extra consideration in their minds. By keeping these points in mind, they can reduce the chances of the mishappening.

Awareness and distractions

Almost 3 out of 5 mishappenings occurs when the operator is distracted or unaware of the situation they are in. These distractions vary from simple mistakes like using a mobile phone to even letting your mind wander.


Weather and its effects are usually a problem for any kind of transportation, be it driving / sailing / flying. Bad weather leads to lack of visibility and various other hazards such as ice, slush coated roads, icing on your aircraft’s wing and icebergs in the ocean.

Vehicle inspections

Improper vehicle inspections lead to various kind of mishappening, due to which it’s almost mandatory for every transportation service to conduct a proper physical walk around the machine.

Other factors

Transporters with large fleets and huge employee base usually face this challenge as people sometimes feel rushed or annoyed by others and ignore their training and take unnecessary risk and invite mishap endings.


Just like any other sector, even in transportation sector fatigue plays a vital role. It is important to understand that if your driver / pilot / sailor is fatigued,  they are not just fatigued. They are mentally and physically exhausted.

Changing Conditions

Transportation requires extensive training and caution to under ever-changing conditions such as road conditions, reduced visibility, icing, etc.

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