FRA is an important qualitative technique for analyzing fire potential and identifying ways to enhance fire prevention & control. The objective of the FRA is to assess the probability of fire in the workplace occurring and its potential consequences in order to determine the risks to People, Assets, the Environment and Reputation.

There are five steps in the FRA:

  • Identify potential fire hazards and threats in the workplace.
  • Decide who (e.g. employees, contractors, visitors.) might be in danger in the event of a fire and note their location.
  • Evaluate the risks arising from the hazards and decide whether the existing fire precautions are adequate, or whether more should be done to prevent fires (preferable) or to reduce their potential effects.
  • Record the findings of Steps 1-3 and details of any action taken to prevent fires, or reduce their potential effects. Ensure that employees and other affected personnel are told about the findings.
  • Keep the assessment under review and revise it when necessary
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