Design HSE case is to demonstrate that there has been a further systematic application of HEMP during the Define and Execute phases, demonstrates that the hazards with severity 5 or red risk on Shell Risk Assessment Matrix are both tolerable and ALARP. All Safety Critical Elements (SCE) have been identified and performance standards are developed. To complete the detailed design, procurement, fabrication, construction, installation and commissioning of the facility safely.
Design HSE case is a document that demonstrates the practical implementation of Corporate HSE Management System. It provides a documented demonstration that risks from Major Accident Hazards (MAH) are tolerable and As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) through the systematic application of Hazards and Effects Management Process (HEMP) as set out in the Corporate HSE Management System (HSE-MS).
The objectives of Design HSE Case is to:
- Demonstrate that, there has been a systematic application of HEMP process;
- Demonstrate that HSE Critical Elements (SCEs) and their Performance Standards have been identified and defined;
- Define HSE Critical Element Performance Standards to be achieved and maintained during Operations Phase to ensure that residual ‘Severity 5’ and High risks remain tolerable and ALARP; and
- Reflect design made through Define and Execute phases that impact of ‘Severity 5’ and High risk hazards (updating of the risk tolerability and ALARP demonstration taking account of the systems and subsystems that have been defined).
Design HSE case is updated for changes during execute phase and to include construction/commissioning hazards, assessment and to be communicated to construction/commissioning staff. If required (if the decision is to generate new operation HSE case for Green field development project) Design HSE case will be transformed to generate operation HSE case and such operation HSE case shall be approved prior to Pre-Start Up Audit (PSUA). Design HSE cases are always project specific.