Major Accident Hazard prevention, detection, control and mitigation systems identified from bowtie workshop will be listed as HSE Critical Equipment and System (HSECES).

Bowties are utilized to exhibit the role of each HSECES on relevant threat and consequence of a MAH. An assessment of the effectiveness of each system is made, including its ability (survivability) to continue functioning under foreseeable major accident conditions.

HSE Critical Integrity Activities (HSECIA) are those which, when performed satisfactorily contribute to control of MAH. These HSECIA demonstrate how HSECES will be designed, fabricated, constructed, installed, commissioned and operated for HSE Integrity. These HSECIA are inherent part of HSECES Performance Standards as assurance activities.

HSECA are those which when performed satisfactorily, contribute to the control of MAHs. HSECA are managed through effective HSE Management System (HSEMS). HSECA Register is integral part of HSEMS.

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