Simultaneous Operations (two or more activities occurring at the same time, or in the same area, that can impact adversely on each other).
As a principle, wherever possible, operations should be managed to avoid situations where simultaneous operations (SIMOPS) could arise, however at times, it may be necessary to perform operations simultaneously. SIMOPS take place specifically when activities associated with construction, commissioning, major maintenance (or turnaround), start-up and production operations are undertaken at the same time and in the same area such that they directly or indirectly could potentially affect the safe performance of any other activity at the facility.
The objectives of the SIMOPS study are:
- To identify and assess all the hazards that may arise from the simultaneous undertaking of construction, pre-commissioning and commissioning whilst continuing plant operations.
- To develop a set of activities that are permitted to occur simultaneously with or without restrictions.
- To develop a set of activities that are to be prohibited from occurring simultaneously; and
- To protect existing facilities during SIMOPS.